Message from Chairman
Dear All,
Greetings from Sagar Group!
I am Sagar Dev Lakhe, Chairman of Sagar Group, a company that has grown from a small business to become one of the Top 3-IT Distribution Companies of Nepal. Our journey started in 1995 with minimal manpower and funds, as an institute called SCI - Sagar Computer Institute in Banepa, Kavre. Today, we are an ISO 9001:2000 certified company, recognized not only as one of the largest computer/parts distributors in the nation but also for our expansion in several other fields including Information Technology, IT-Retail Stores, Finance and Investment, Wellness and Hospitality, Media & Event, with 14 outstanding companies in our network.
As we continue to expand our efficient and user-friendly business network across the country, we strive to uphold our clear visions and uncompromised philosophy of Honesty, Integrity, Responsibility, and Consciousness. Our company is our life, and we see ourselves as the company's soul. We cannot compromise our values and betray our souls for short-term gain. Therefore, integrity and sincerity are the two ethics on which all of our business dealings depend. We firmly believe that telling the truth is the ultimate selling tool, and we will not sacrifice our values for immediate gain.
We are not everything, and we cannot do everything, but we are committed to ensuring that the things we do have a positive impact on people's lives and society. We are an optimistic team, and we strongly believe in the philosophy of "Possibilities: Unlimited." We work hard to bridge the gap between people and technology and contribute towards uplifting and impacting the lives of our customers through world-class technology.
In conclusion, we are grateful for your support and look forward to continuing our journey together.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Sagar Dev Lakhe
Chairman, Sagar Group