Sagar Group : Master Commercial Reseller of NEC PABX Communication System Attending Partner conference in Combodia Our Chairman, Mr. Sagar Dev Lakhe Representing Sagar Group at NEC Partner Conference, Combodia, for PABX Series along with Regional Distributor of Nepalgunj Mr. Sanjay Thapa . A glorious opportunity t... Sep 8, 2016 (Bhadra 23, 2073 B.S.) 0 630 News
Kaspersky launches cloud security for smaller businesses Although there are many different security solutions on the market, smaller businesses often struggle to find a solution that's affordable and easy to implement. Kaspersky Lab is targeting this SMB ma... Sep 3, 2016 (Bhadra 18, 2073 B.S.) 0 628 Published in Media
ब्रदर डिपिसि–टि७०० डब्ल्यु मल्टिफङ्सन वायरलेस प्रिन्टर यो प्रिन्टर विशेषत होम तथा अफिसका लागि उपयुक्त रहेको कुरा विक्रेता कम्पनीले जानकारी दिएको छ । डिपिसि–टि७००डब्ल्यु को इंक ट्यांकहरु पनि सुलभ मूल्यमा पाउन सकिने छ । प्रिन्टरले विन्डोज र म्यासिन्टोश दुबै... Aug 8, 2016 (Shrawan 24, 2073 B.S.) 0 846 Published in Media