SOP No.:

To: All the employee of Sagar Group along with all companies

Check List: 
1. Viber Sagar Community
2. Mass Mail to all the employee
3. Link of this SOP send to non ERP Users
4. Confirmation verification check list of all the employee confirmed the understand of this process and agreed to do so.  

Dear All,

We all have lots of task to do everyday be it Very Important, Important, Less Important and General Tasks and we as well get really confused on prioritizing our tasks based on importance and end up doing what comes in rather than what was planned or missioner for the day or week or month. This results in we all getting confused or doing tasks that are not of our priority or with less importance. Let us not get confused and let us not take stress looking at the huge number of tasks. We just need to make a habit to plan things for our daily routine so that we can complete our important tasks and focus on our priorities. Below are some guidelines for you to streamline your Daily Routine:

Lets call it "6 TASKs PLAN"

1. List out 6 Tasks for a day or week or month that you feel important and must be completed in that particular time from your long list in ERP in a separate Column / Stage from your Personal Project List.

2. In case of Group Project List, you need to mark * (STAR / IMPORTANT) for the important task in your group and assigned to you and drag that in your 6 TASK A  PLAN area.

3. Once done, you can focus on that list for the day and try your best to complete that listed tasks within that day itself.

4. If we complete all 6 tasks set out for the day mark as done then KUDOS. But if we only complete say 3 tasks of 6 for that particular day, then transfer the undone tasks to next day and add another 3 tasks and make total of 6 task again for the next day.

This way we can breakdown our long list into 6 a day and streamline our work flow and task.

Thank You.