COVID 19 Lockdown Support to Staff in Pandemic V1.0


1.     Sick Leave Arrangement

            •     If a employee is tested positive, he/she shall be granted seven days paid leave and seven days unpaid leave or can be deducted from the remaining sick leave if they have any remaining. 

2.     Provision of PCR Test

  •       Office will cover one-time expenses of the PCR Test of the employees who are physically working from office or working from home or during contact tracing procedure. 

  •       PCR Test Procedure and reimbursement

        §  To claim reimbursement, an employee must fill the PCR Test Request Form and provide test receipt from the authorized labs including the invoice from the authorized lab. 

        §  The amount should not exceed more than NPR 2500/-

3.     Loan Policy

  •       Employee can request loan up to NPR 100,000.00 for the treatment of themselves or their family for the COVID-19 treatment in Hospital. If extra loan is required, management approval shall be required and prevail.

  •      Employee can only be eligible after submitting COVID Positive report from the authorized lab of the Government and hospital admitting report or invoice.

4.     Compensation Policy

  •       Office will compensate up to NPR 500,000.00 to the front liner’s family in case of the death of the front liners’ employee due to COVID-19 while working for office.

  •       This compensation policy will be only eligible to the front liners enlisted by the office. 

  •       An employee’s family must submit the death certificate of the employee due to COVID-19 in order claim the compensation.

5.     Pick and Drop Facility 

  •       Office will arrange pick and drop facilities to those staff who don’t have their own vehicle and are important in the office to complete day to day Task/service. Since office vehicle is limited, it is encouraged the staff to use their vehicle to come to office. Office shall provide necessary documents to commute during the lockdown period. 

6.     Hazard allowance 

  •       Staffs visiting the field to facilitate the customer will be provided premium pay of additional Rs.150 per working days during lockdown period. 

7.     Medical Facility   

  •            Company has purchased the immune health supplements for COVID positive staffs. 

    Staff can request to provide it from  the office front desk.

    ·    Company has an Oximeter that can be lent to the staff as per the emergency basis.  

    ·    The Company has one Philip's EverFlo oxygen concentrator consists of five liters capacity that can be lent to the staff on an emergency basis.

    ·    Company will provide the protective materials to staff which shall contain Mask and Sanitizer, (Gloves, PPE Kit, Face Shield shall be provided to staff going to Field.)