Individual partner knowledge base portal and WIKI-like revision system

Knowsystem let you organize a web portal personally for each customer just by selecting articles to be shared. Depending on loyalty level, products in use, related projects, different partners would access different manuals, guidelines, frequently asked questions, specifications. You can design an article especially for a definite company, or use the same knowledge experience among multiple clients.

How to share knowledge base with specific partners

An article is available for a portal user in two cases: A. it is website published; B. his/her company is indicated as allowed partner in one of article tags.

In the first case such an article is available for all portal users and even for public website visitors who have not logged in.

In the latter case you grant a restricted access for an article only for chosen companies. To that end:

Turn on the setting 'Portal KnowSystem'

Create a tag for this partner, for example 'clients / Azure Interior'. On the tag form indicate this company in the field 'Allowed partners'

Assign the tag for all articles you want to share with this partner. For a few articles use the mass action 'Mass update'

Now portal users related to this partner may access shared articles right from their partner portal.

Portal and public articles

Each time you update an article (title, content, tags, sections, attachments), KnowSystem saves a previous version. So, intellectual assets are secured from sudden harm or a human mistake, since you can any time recover any revision. Breaking becomes harder than restoring.

How to recover a previous article version

Go to an article form view and push the button 'revisions'

Find a required one and push the button 'Observe' to check whether this version is a correct one

Push the button 'Restore this revision'. The article would be recovered to that version.

The recovery operation itself is recorded. So, if it is a mistake you can revert changes by recovering the last-to-last revison.

Knowledge base revisionsRestore article revision