Job Description of Administrative and Front Desk

Job description of Administration and Front Desk Assistant

R:   Responsible:  Ms. Juneli Sunar

A:   Accountable: Ms. Suman Nepali

C:  Consultant: Mr. Amit Kumar Shrestha

I:    Informed: Mrs. Buddha Laxmi Manandhar

Administration and Front Desk Assistant Job Description

·       Sales Order Creation of Outside Valley dealers and Customers (Walk-in Customers)

·       Sales Order Confirmation Coordinating with Nisha Miss (Payment and approval from Buddha Miss)

·       Sales Billing issuing of Outside Valley dealers & Inside Valley Dealers Coordinating with Rakesh sir and Suman Sir

·       Petty Cash Handling (Proper Ledger Maintenance in ERP and In Excel Monthly basis)

·       Intercompany billing (all Transaction Purchase and Sales Billing between Sagar Distribution, Esteem trade and Purple E-soft)

·       All Bafal Expenses Entry on ERP (Expenses Bill Recording of all types In ERP tracking the petty cash)

·       Sales Billing of Baleyo Store and Purchase Bill Co-ordinating with Baleyo Store Staff

·       Credit Note and Debit Note Issuing Between Intercompany as well as Dealers of Both Inside Valley and Outside Valley

·       Product Knowledge and Dealer Name Knowledge Gaining According to the ERP System for Proper Billing and Stock Transaction.